2 Ways Air Conditioning Helps Cats With Hyperthyroidism

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Is your beloved kitty suffering from hyperthyroidism? Feline hyperthyroidism occurs when a cat's thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone. It's the most common endocrine condition cats face, causing a range of unpleasant symptoms like persistent thirst, lethargy and diarrhoea. There are many medical and dietary treatment options available for cats with this condition, but it's important to focus on making your home safe and comfortable for your afflicted kitty too. Air conditioning is one of the best ways to do this. Here's how it could help your cat.

It Keeps Them Cool

One of the symptoms of feline hyperthyroidism is heat intolerance. Usually, cats can tolerate higher temperatures than humans because their own body temperature is higher. Hyperthyroid cats, however, can become very uncomfortable in the high Australian heat. You may even notice them becoming distressed and restless or constantly moving into shaded areas. Cats can sweat through their paws, but the low surface area of a cat's foot means they can only lose a small amount of heat this way. When it gets very hot, they regulate their body temperature by panting. As hyperthyroidism progresses and a cat's heart weakens, panting can become more difficult, leading them to further overheat. Air conditioning solves this problem by keeping your home at a lower temperature for your kitty. You can adjust your AC unit as needed to ensure that the whole family is comfortable and your cat is safe. If your cat likes to roam around your home, consider getting a full AC system installed for each room. 

It Cleans the Atmosphere

Recently, studies have linked feline hyperthyroidism with harmful substances in the home. One such substance is PBDE -- polybrominated diphenyl ether. PBDEs are a type of flame retardant used to protect home furnishings from catching fire. Research in Sweden recently suggested that there's a link between high levels of PBDE and hyperthyroidism in cats. While PBDEs are not currently used in Australia, they were significantly more widespread prior to 2001. This means that if you have any flame-resistant furnishings (including soft furnishings like curtains and carpet) in your home that were made before that time, there's a chance they could be contributing to your cat's hyperthyroidism. Replacing all your furniture is somewhat impractical and not always possible, but there's another way to lower your cat's contact with PBDEs -- air conditioning. Air conditioner units clean the air in your home by filtering and removing harmful substances like flame retardants from the atmosphere.   
